06 Juni, 2006

long day

gosh this turned out to be such a long day here in the office. It is after 5 already and I am just now getting ready to go home. Well, I did get quite a lot done and I think I am now all set to analyse my first set of data and then write this first study up. Over the next few months I will be writing my first PhD chapter and then hopefully I will be able to upgrade from MPhil status to PhD status. That should be quite exciting, and after getting my progress review back as being satisfactory I am starting to get more and more motivated. The conference is coming up in about 4 weeks; I am hoping that I will be prepared enough when I go so I don't have to faint over being scared about the questions I might get after the presentation. At least I get a practise run on Monday, even thought I didn't really want to participate in this postgraduate research day... but oh well, it is good practise and I guess I should take advantage of these opportunities since I do need to improve my publisc speaking skills.

ok it's time to sit out in the sun for a bit and then go home and have some dinner.

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