29 April, 2006

Pretty Scenery in Brixham

I guess this is another picture that deserves a blog entry. But to get things up to date... the last time I posted something I wasn't feeling too great, and a few days later I came down with a cold. Not much else has been going on. Neil and I went to see "The Squid And The Whale" at the Picturehouse the other night, and it took me a few days to realise that it actually was quite a good film. The only thing that still bothers me now is that nothing gets resolved at the end of it. There is not even an indication of what might happen, but oh well... it did make me laugh out loud a few times, and I really hated a few of the characters with a passion, so my conclusion is now there was some good acting/writing involved. Uni has be ok as well, actually there wasn't much going on. I got the money approved for the conference, so now I actually have to face the fact that I have to present my research in front of a number of experts in the field. And that really scares me. The only good thing about it is that Neil is thinking about coming to Edinburgh with me... well and I guess I can meet some of the researchers in the field and get some feedback on my research ideas...
Besides that I haven't done too much in the past few days. I went to uni but hardly did anything except finally finish the paper for the conference, and have tea breaks and lunch with the girls during the day and a few times I saw Neil.

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